Thursday, January 15, 2015

Stop comparing

Right? Because honestly, do we REALLY know their struggles? I'm here to break the news to one, I repeat NO ONE, is perfect.
I work closely with a LOT of woman. Some are stronger then nails, others doubt everything they do from the way they do their hair to the way they dress, to the way they parent.
Because someone is ALWAYS doing it better then us.
Am I right?
That girl over there never looks bad, she ALWAYS looks like she just rolled out of bed and looks beautiful...that Mom over there ALWAYS has it together, her kids are perfect, her house is perfect, and man her husband is perfect too....that business owner who makes her job look EASY and just bounces through life not having to work hard, everything just falls into her lap....
What you don't see, is that woman who spends hours in her bathroom in front of the mirror, wondering if she has gotten her hair to look PERFECT, or if anyone will notice the wrinkles coming in around her eyes....we don't see the Mom who is hanging on by a thread at 6pm most days, who doesn't get anymore then 4 hours a sleep a night, and who cries herself to sleep sometimes....we don't see that successful business owner who is plugging in hours at her desk, frustrated most days because she thinks her hard work will never pay off, but deep down in her GUT she hears God whispering "don't you dare give up"

If these are just a bunch of words to you, then you might be missing my point. My point is this.
You are YOU. You are an awesome, amazing, PERFECT you. You are crazy cool, and super fabulous, and what you THINK might be your flaws, are make up that perfect part of you.
God created you to be the one and need to stop caring about what THAT woman looks like, what THAT Mom is doing, or what THAT business woman is doing....
Comparing yourself to other people, is the WORST thing you could do do yourself if your trying to grow, be happy, or just get your shit together. When you start to focus on YOU, and only you....I promise, promise, promise, everything will gently and slowly fall into place.
So starting today...pinky swear me you are going to be your most awesomely perfect self, and not think anyone else is cooler then you.

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