Monday, December 21, 2015

Always be you...everyone else is taken anyway

In a noisy social media world, I have been kind of lost lately. Lost in a sense of trying to find my place, find where I fit in.
For the past 4 years I have been sharing my world with you. Sharing my struggles and sharing my good times. I don't know what happened to me, but something did. One day, I became scared to post. I became scared to hit that button. I would write it, and quickly delete it.
I was scared. Scared of being judged. By who? Everyone. Friends, people from school, fellow coaches...the people who don't really like me anyway.
I was scared my house wasn't good enough, my parenting wasn't that great, and because I didn't have chiseled abs or arms, I probably shouldn't be sharing my story on social media hoping to inspire someone.
So I stopped.
I stopped giving you a glimpse in my life.
Because I was afraid of being me.
I was scared, to be me. The one thing I tell my coaches, friends and kids...BE YOU. I was not living up to what I was preaching!
And then one day, I realized something. I was comparing myself to other Moms and other coaches, and thinking about everything they were doing, and I wasn't.
I suck at crafts. And I can't remember the last time we did one.
My house is a mess 24/7, and my laundry spends more time in baskets then hanging up in the closet.
I don't bake. I can't bake. I can't cook.
I don't have chiseled arms and abs.
I can't meal plan for a week for you, because I don't do it myself.
I don't go to be early so I can get up early, to get my to-do list done.
All this stuff! Floating around in my head. Consuming me, making me feel SO BAD about the life I have worked so hard to create for my family.
But then I realized, there are SO many people out there just like me...who REALLY need to see that they are human.
They don't like crafts. And that's okay.
We don't really like to bake..or cook...
Our goal isn't to have a 6 pack set of abs..our goal is to be happy and to love the skin we are in.
Meal planning is we ask our friend who is REALLY good at it, to help us.
We stay up late because our husbands are night owls...and don't get up early because he likes to snuggle with you in bed until the VERY LAST MINUTE...
I know I'm not perfect. I know I struggle, I fall down, I cry too much, and there are a few things I could do better.
But for now, I will embrace that. My not so chiseled stomach, my messy house, my unorganized world.
Because there is someone out there, reading this, that NEEDS to feel normal. My mess is their normal. 
My normal is a mess.
And as I sit here tonight with food in the fridge, money in the bank a roof over my head, happy kids, a happy husband, a happy dog, friends that love the crap out of me, coaches who have proven to me they are in it for the long haul...why would I want to ever trade this mess?
Embrace you, my friends.
I know it's hard sometimes. But take it from me...your mess is a blessing.