Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Holiday slim down

I have had a lot of people tell me lately that they are struggling. Either in the eating department, or just overall feeling BLA.
I get that, and can totally relate. You know if anyone understands, I can.
This time of year is hard for a lot of people. Some struggle with overeating and gaining weight, some struggle mentally with certain situations in their lives that are going on. EVERYONE has something that can make it hard to get through the holiday season.
I decided that instead of sitting here hoping that didn't happen to my friends, I would try and help...even just a little bit.
I am going to open up a free group. It's not a challenge group, it's not going to cost you a dime. It's just a support group.
We will be working out, fueling our bodies with healthy foods, supporting each other, motivating each other, and keeping each other accountable. The ONLY thing I ask of you is to fit in at least 20 minutes of activity each day, and be present in the group! That means, posting daily and telling us how you did that day! I will be posting a shopping list, and helping you with a meal plan if you would like.

I really, really want to help as many people as I can get through this last chunk of 2014 on a positive note! I will be opening this up next weekend, and then we commit on 12/1.

I will be running the group from Facebook, and will put you in a private group.  Please contact me there if you would like to join us! 

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