Thursday, November 20, 2014

Here we go again.....

I never in a million, gazillion years thought I would be making a blog post like this...ever.  
Me and my husband have been talking a lot about the future, and where we see our life headed.  We know for certain, we love what we have, and are happy as can be.  Including two beautiful daughters.
If you don't know, it took us a very long time to get pregnant.  We tried for several years on our own, before going to see a doctor.  Countless IUI procedures, and then finally one IVF cycle.  You can read my story here on that entire journey. 
I guess you can say, we have been thinking about more kiddos.  If you would of asked me a year ago around this time I would of laughed in your face...I actually used to laugh when people would bring it up.  Twins, plus another?  After what I went through? 
No, no, and hell no. 
But back up.
What if, I wasn't scared anymore?  What if, I knew I could handle it.  
Because this time around, I am not waiting for my miracle. I am not childless, and not sitting here month after month, negative pregnancy test after negative pregnancy test, wondering if I was ever going to have a baby. (or two) 
 This time, I know what to expect.  This time, I know it might take some time.  This time, I know we might not be able to get pregnant without some medical intervention. 
And I'm totally okay with that. 
Yes, we have decided that we are going to have another baby!!!  We are ready, and not only ready, but getting totally impatient...and this has just began! 
So here is what we have planned.  Neither one of us want to rush to the doctor.  We are going to try on our own until April of next year (after the girls turn 7) and then if I am not pregnant by then, we will move on to IVF.  I refuse to try anything else.  I don't want to waste my time, money, or emotions.  
So, if all goes according to plan...we should be pregnant by next Spring!!! 
I can't believe I am saying that still sometimes....we are officially TTC...holy crap. 

I didn't blog about my TTC journey with the girls. I was a part of a message board (fertility friend) and had my support system there...Facebook was not around, I don't think.  This time, I will be documenting it. 
It might take some time. It might not.  I might get pregnant within a couple months, or you could be reading this next Spring when I'm getting ready for my egg transfer. 
I just don't know. 
What I do know, is that I am excited to begin this new chapter in our lives.  I'm sure my emotions will be up and down, but I am okay with that.  
We just know, we are ready to make this family of 4, become a family of 5. 

And in honor of is a little glimpse into my first pregnancy...
My girls, as embryos. 
6 days later my first ever positive pregnancy test.
And me at 36 weeks.  6 days before I delivered these two beautiful, healthy, baby girls! 

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