Saturday, February 6, 2016

Catching up on my challenge!

My computer has been acting up, and it's really hard to blog when you don't have a, I'm going to catch up on the #loveme challenge! 

Day 3-a word that describes me
This one might be tricky.  A bunch of words come to mind...#hotmess is the first that pops up in my head!  Because I truly feel that I am most of the time! 
But if we are being honest, I can't just pick one word. 
I'm emotional, sensitive, caring, loving, and unorganized.  
So I guess we can wrap it up by saying the one word to describe me is #mess

Day 4, A person who loves me
This is NOT hard. 

He loves me all the time, no questions asked, even when I'm the biggest shit head in the world.  I don't think anyone has ever, or will ever, love me more then my husband. 

Day 5, A note to the past you
I thought this might be hard, but it's not.  I have just a couple things to say to my younger self. 

Dear me,
Everything is going to work out.  
The challenges you will face, will one day all make sense. 
Please don't waste your days crying, or staying angry at the world. 
Fight through those hard times, and know that you will come out stronger in the end.
Day 6, a note to the future me
Dear Christina, 
I want you to know how proud I am of you for never giving up.  I know there were times you struggled to stay on track, and you did step away to clear your head more then once.  But it was awesome seeing you bounce back and start living your dreams again.  
I know you worked hard for your family, to give them everything you ever wanted.  You have made a huge impact in this world and I'm very proud of you. 



Tuesday, February 2, 2016

A picuture of me

What better way to jump back into blogging then to do a February photo prompt all about loving ourselves?  I have been wanting to start blogging again, but sometimes it's hard to even know where to begin.  
So day 2, a picture of me. 
I thought really hard about what picture to post, and finally came up with this one.  For no other reason other than this-it makes me happy, and proud of how far I have come. 
Because I still struggle.  
I still have doubts.
Some days I think I'm not worth it. 
The girl on the left was 5 years ago.  I was struggling to find my place in this world.  
And over the years, I have had many ups and downs.  So many.  
I was cruising along until I hit a speed bump, and had to readjust my world a bit.
I'm currently still readjusting, evaluating where I fit in.  
Over the course of the month, I hope to share a little bit about my journey the past 5 years, and also share where I'm at now.  I am hoping I will find my groove with blogging again, and fall back in love with sitting down and pouring my heart out in my own little corner of the internet. 
That's what it used to feel like for me.  
I felt safe here, and it truly felt like a comfy chair for me.  
Wrapped up in a fuzzy blanket with a good book. 
Thanks for reading, and I hope you will come back tomorrow. :)